Ontology of media film series
Database Narratives and cinematic reflections on our relationship with the media and the world, sifting through the meaning of each grain or pixel that we interact and create in our lives.
A series of thought-provoking short films that question the nature of being of these pixels captured through our lenses.
Ten years of memories in 12 countries merged in a 6-minute visual essay can never truly define our true selves. With the years of acquiring terabytes of information through our lenses, let us ask these questions:
"Will they last?"
"Are these memories synthetic truth when merging them together in the movies we create about our journey?"
"And who are we in this digital overload of information?"
"And who are we in this digital overload of information?"
"And amid the media overload, defined by the likes and view counts, from your reels and viral tiktoks, who are you?"
"Fragments" is a visual essay on the idea of self captured through the lens through the memories embedded in the film grains and pixels.
Narrated by Professor James Heft, Ph.D
a film by Nich L. Perez
A love letter to a mother who died of cancer, from her son who followed her footsteps as a teacher.
A philosophical reflection on social media as Plato's digital cave, based on Susan Sontag's "On Photography," 1977.
With the wonderful, Chelsea Sik.